-Artistic Research Center for Yeast Images, by Scientific Methods.

Living Images Projects Portfolio site: PORTFOLIO 2024

Project is ongoing and can be followed in Instagram and Vimeo.
Instagram -account is updated regularly. Movie clips can be found in Vimeo.

Summer 2024

Video from yeastograms made for Art Realm exhibition in Hämeenlinna Art Museum.

There were six events where I talked with museum guests and took care of the yeastograms.

Nature of Microbes

is a digital documentary made in collaboration with internationally recognized bio artists. Starring the living materials that have inspired the making of art.

Nature of Microbes in Vimeo

Nature of Microbes -teaser

The project was a cross-border collaboration with bio artists and bio-art laboratories to collect moving and still images of microbes related art projects. These art pieces have a strong relationship with smaller partners of the entity we live in.

Nature of Microbes film will tell different stories from artists with a history of working with living materials. The main characters of the film are featured in a teaser on Vimeo.

Living images, yeastograms

The project is based on the artistic research which started in 2014. In the project I study images made with living matter, main organisms are yeasts. In the same time I try to understand my own relationship with the world///surroundings///nature.

Yeastogram in the cover and featured in the book: Art as We Don’t Know It.

Latest exhibition in in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Living images

PAST: Living Images -Exhibition in SOLU Space, Katajanokka, Helsinki 13.08. - 13.09.2020.

Moment in SOLU

Exhibition was closed due to Covid-19 pandemia in March 2020. It was build again in August 2020 when the situation allowed this to happen.

Living Images, yeastograms in Mänttä Art Festival 2019

Yeastograms research station

was opened 15.6.2019 in this silo.

Yeastograms in Biofilia, November 2017

Yeast called W303

Making yeastograms in Biofilia.

Blue yeast

Making yeastograms in Biofilia.

Biofilia video´s

Making of laboratory yeastograms in Vimeo.
Yeast cells under the microscope in Vimeo.

Yeastograms in Oulu

Splice -exhibition: 20 May – 12 November 2017
SPLICE Re-examining Nature in Oulu Art Museum.
More info about the exhibition in Bioart Society`s website

Living images, yeastograms -workshop

This took place in Oulu Art Museum. It was held in September 2017.

Funded by: TAIKE, Bioart society and Oulu Art Museum.

Yeastograms from 2017

3 months old

From Oulu exhibition.

Close up

Zoomed to the 3 month old.

Safale US-05

This one came the second day.

Bakers yeast test

Blueberry agar plate, with 100% blueberry powder.

Yeast gone wild

This one is about 4 weeks old.

Safale K-97

Not so reliable yeast.

Liquid yeast

The yeast was not set.

Safale K-97

Wilder yeast.

Yeastograms from 2016

A nest

Charcoal Agar Base.

Wild growth, 2016

Print 50x50cm, mounted on aluminium.

Frozen yeastograms

Leftovers from the solo exhibition got frozen.

Liquid growth

Summer time exposures are more interesting.

Black Mold

Should get closer with these.

a man

This one was on display at the solo exhibition.

Beetroot agar

Testing the agar colors.

Self potrait

Winter exposure, yeast got yellow color.

Bubbly yeast

Tests from the winter.

a man

Tests from the winter.

Yeastograms from 2014


Print 37x37cm, mounted on aluminium.

Moon view

Print 80x80cm mounted on aluminium.

Red and green

Print 37x37cm, mounted on aluminium.


Print 40x40cm, mounted on silicon, ProSec®.

Reindeer blood agar

Print 80x80cm, mounted on aluminium.


Print 37x37cm, mounted on aluminium.

About the project:
Living images, Yeastograms

The different outcomes from the agar plates with the unexpected behaviour of yeast have been a driving force for the project.

The artistic research has been done with different types of growth mediums that are used in basic microbiology. Raster images are exposed onto cultivated yeast with Ultraviolet LED lamps. The UV-lights kill part of the cells during the 48-hour exposure process. The picture form when the yeast cells sheltered by the black parts of the raster images survive and the other cells are killed by the UV-light.

Background of the project and founding fathers

Project is based on research I started in 2014, when I made my first images with yeast.

The original Yeastogram technique was thought to me by Lucas Czjzek from the Bioart Club pavillon_35 / Vienna Austria. In a workshop arranged by Finnish Bioart Society in December 2013.

Pavillon_35 website about yeastograms: /// Their project webpage.
Active people now (2017) doing yeastograms with the Pavillon_35 -group are Sonja Bäumel, Moya Hoke, Kristin Weissenberger and Günter Seyfried.


  • Yeastograms

    I work and live in
    Lahti, Finland

The research center expanded to Otaniemi and Biofilia laboratory in 2017. In the year 2019 the research centre was in Maritime Centre Vellamo.

More information: